Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Write for Lee

      Since I have a time to free write, I thought I might branch off from my earlier blog post and talk a little bit more about our peer mentor and what her goal is in our class room. As I stated earlier we have a peer mentor in our inquiry class and her name is Lee. Lee has been through a lot of experiences in life and in a classroom. She really had a thorough look at life and while she is still learning, she has already been through so much. Since Lee has a whopping 15 minutes before class starts on Thursdays, she gives us a certain thing to do that really gets us started. We wish we had a bit more time with this brilliant woman, but we happen to have a class immediately following. Lee is very good at making us really think, and that is what she wants us to do. Look at things outside the box rather than inside.
      What I really want to talk about is one of the assignments she gave us last week on Thursday. It was called Who Am I? This assignment was meant for us to write 5 sentences starting with “I am” and for us to look inside and see who we really are. I in a way didn’t take this assignment completely serious and didn’t put my full thought into it. I just wrote what was at the top of my head. I really wish I didn’t goof around, and I wish I respected the assignment more, so I decided I should give Lee the respect she really deserves from me, and do the assignment over for her.

     Who Am I?
I am a man who likes to seek adventure and gain a certain learning from it.
I am someone who loves to hear about your problems and then help you solve them.
I am the wind beneath a girl’s wings constantly blowing to keep her floating.
I am the protector of some of life’s most valuable treasures, family and love.
I am Ilmar Molder, a boy who is learning with everyday trying to become the man he wants to be.

Thanks a lot Lee. You’re the best.

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