Saturday, October 30, 2010

Changing a Diaper?!?

When I was asked to do something that was out of my comfort zone, I was really curious as to what I would come up with because I am one who will try anything. But I happen to find something just a little bit out of my comfort zone, which was change a baby. Yes it doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, but I don’t like to change a baby. I think it is pretty disgusting and should be the responsibility of the parents to clean after the baby in this way.
    I love to play with babies and I like how cute they are, but when my sister asked me to change her baby for her, I wasn’t exactly pleased and excited to perform this act. My niece is about 9 months old, and my mom and sister are always talking about how when she goes to the bathroom, she happens to go a lot. With this knowledge, would you want to just willingly jump on the fact of changing an infant?
    I happen to get pretty lucky this time. When I had to change my niece she had only gone pee, so it wasn’t really a big mess to clean up, just a quick diaper switch. I’m sure when I grow older, this will no longer be that big of a deal because I do want to have a child when I get older and ill even look up how to change a diaper. I might even be able to work my way up to changing a worse kind of diaper as well.

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