Saturday, October 23, 2010

Article Evaluation

           The article on narcissism didn’t really surprise me, but I feel like it is a big insult. I mean, calling our generation a very narcissistic one I feel is a bit overdone, but I will admit to a bit of this when I first started high school. When I began freshman year in high school, I believed I should get at least a c just for showing up to class and doing every homework assignment, regardless of what I got on test grades and quiz grades, and other assignment that the teacher felt like giving us during that year. I feel as though in a way you can link narcissism with laziness, because with the ideas in your head that if you do the bare minimum of some assignments and you deserve at least a B, then obviously you are just too lazy to work to your full potential. That shows that you really don’t deserve a B for: Boy you are doing good!, you deserve more of a D for: Dang you need to work harder man. I will agree nowadays our generation is getting slightly lazier due to technology, but I know that, if anything, narcissism is just going to get worse, and calling our current generation very narcissistic is not even going to be able to compare to that.
         Also, teachers should not change the way they grade just to benefit a student. “The current system works” so why would you change that? A student failing is not because of a teacher, or because of how grading standards are, it is most likely because they are not putting an effort into doing well in the class. “You get out of the class what you put into the class.” It is a very stupid idea to change how to grade things just because a student doesn’t want to work hard.

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