Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time Management Blog 2

     I previously wrote a blog about time management when I had a chance to do a free write blog about anything that I wanted to. Continuing from where I left off there, and probably repeating a few things that I had written on that blog, I will say that anybody and everybody has many different ways to plan out their time management. They can own different schedules, daily planners, or already have it planned in their head what it is they are going to do at a certain time of day. For someone like me, I don’t own a planner, a schedule or set certain times for when I am going to complete everything it is I need to. I am more of a go with the flow type of person with time management. Usually I put the highest priority thing above everything else. If I have work I go to work before even thinking I need to plan something else, such as homework or maybe house chores.

      For some reason I don’t really do too well with schedules. If something ends up running longer than it is supposed to than it kind of messes up everything that I had planned at a certain time to do. It’s sort of the same with relaxing. How they say you should actually schedule some downtime for yourself so your brain can just relax. If I schedule some downtime for myself, it will feel like it’s an assignment instead of downtime, and I will just be bored. So if you need help with time management, here is how to make a schedule.

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