Saturday, September 11, 2010

Engaging In Reading

During each class of Inquiry, we view some articles online that can be interesting and informative. Some of this week’s articles include: Work Hard or Work Smart and Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet, which were for Tuesday’s class discussion. Then we also have: The Myth of Multitasking and Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime, which were read for class discussion on Thursday. There were a few more articles we had to read during the week, but I chose these four because they are the ones that really seemed to get my attention.

For starters, the Work Hard or Work Smart article was really informative to helping me start my year. The whole idea that Working Smart is trying to show you is to make the plan. By making the plan you look at what you can do, where your stance is on the current subject, and how you can go about doing all of your work. Then you work as hard as you can, which, yes you guessed right, is the Working Hard part of the article. Once you worked smart and made your game plan, you work hard and you are now “working the plan”. Now the next article, which was a video, Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet, kind of intrigued me, but I don’t totally agree with it. The video was about a study they performed on kids. This study stated that kids who ate the marshmallow were more likely to get in trouble when they grow up, and those that don’t are more patient. I don’t completely agree with the marshmallow video article. I believe there are much more accurate ways to determine patience and impatience at an early age than eating a marshmallow.

I do agree with the Myth of Multitasking though. This article was about how multitasking splits the time you are spending on each thing, causing everything to actually take longer than it really would. This is true because you aren’t putting all of your effort into one thing. Thus affecting how long it can really take you to complete your work. The final article, Digital Devices Deprive the Brain of Needed Downtime can go both ways for me. That meaning that I always use technology during my free time. Using it is what really makes me feel relaxed on the inside. If I was just alone lying down outside, or in my room with no technology on I would feel bored more so than relaxed.

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