Saturday, September 25, 2010

Professional Blog blog

To find 2 professional blogs to write about I found a website I chose some of the top recent blogs that they had on their website. The two blogs I chose were and .

The first blog, is a website that was created and dedicated to information regarding anime and video games. He sort of writes his blog like any other and just tries to inform other gamers on upcoming video games as well as useful tips or information that they can use. For example one of the posts has many tips or different types of things that you can do with a Playstation 3 game system. There are 30+ things with useful how to tips on completing each. I like this blog and its pretty interesting to me because I used to play a lot of video games when I was younger and still kind of do in my free time.

The other blog I chose was This is a complete blog written by Alya Landry and she wrote various different poems. Each blog post is a poem. I chose this blog because I too used to write poetry. Although I stopped writing it I still very much love to read it. Some of the poems she has on his blog are about kisses, religion or other random things.

Thanks For Visiting PEGS Poets. Please take a second to complete the survey!These blogs are very different from each other, but I have a lot in common with both of them. I loved to read and write poetry. Also I loved to play video games. I’m glad I found both of these blogs and I can now actually follow them.

Time Management Blog 2

     I previously wrote a blog about time management when I had a chance to do a free write blog about anything that I wanted to. Continuing from where I left off there, and probably repeating a few things that I had written on that blog, I will say that anybody and everybody has many different ways to plan out their time management. They can own different schedules, daily planners, or already have it planned in their head what it is they are going to do at a certain time of day. For someone like me, I don’t own a planner, a schedule or set certain times for when I am going to complete everything it is I need to. I am more of a go with the flow type of person with time management. Usually I put the highest priority thing above everything else. If I have work I go to work before even thinking I need to plan something else, such as homework or maybe house chores.

      For some reason I don’t really do too well with schedules. If something ends up running longer than it is supposed to than it kind of messes up everything that I had planned at a certain time to do. It’s sort of the same with relaxing. How they say you should actually schedule some downtime for yourself so your brain can just relax. If I schedule some downtime for myself, it will feel like it’s an assignment instead of downtime, and I will just be bored. So if you need help with time management, here is how to make a schedule.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time Management and Downtime We Deserve: My Stance

                   Everything in life involves time management. Time management also happens to be a big topic at southern in my Inquiry class. We are going over ways that we maintain our time, making sure we have enough to just relax and have some much needed downtime, and also the ways that we help to maintain our time.
                  Some people say they have a planner, some say they set a certain time of the day to just sit down and relax. But doing that doesn’t really seem to work for me. I don’t really like having planners, I usually just write down the things that I have to do or have to complete, and do they whenever I feel like it. I don’t like the sense of keeping to a straight schedule, and saying okay at 2 pm I am going to do my homework. I would rather just wait for the time I am not doing anything and then do what I need to. Sure, I will pick a certain day so I hand in any assignments I have on time, or I make sure I won’t be too tired after work or such, but I can’t keep to such a strict schedule that I pick a certain time.
                  Time management will always vary from person to person. Some people like strict schedules, others like to keep it slightly spontaneous and do it when they are free. I also cant really take  time to plan out for some down time. That is another topic that we talked about. If I schedule a time for just relaxing, itll feel like work and be boring because I scheduled it. I would rather just go about my dayh and then just flop lifelessly on my bed when I no longer have to do anything. That would feel like some great needed downtime. If you really need time management skills here is a great article on Time Management.
This relaxing waterfall for instance, is really relaxing to look at, and kind of helps to wind me down.

All Outcasts Unite!

                 The novel Outcasts United was written by a man named Warren St. John. When I came to southern for orientation I was handed this book and I was told to do read the entire chapter one, and this was homework for orientation. Not expecting to have to do any work, I was slightly annoyed hearing this. Then while discussing it the next day we were told we were going to have to read it as our “summer homework”. Now this really didn’t sound good to me because I didn’t think that college students did summer reading homework assignments, unless they wanted to have a heads up of the class.
                 Now onto the book, reading the first chapter slightly got me into this book. I thought this might not be that bad of a summer reading assignment after all. Then as I read it, it seemed to trail on and on. While talking about the book with some other people from my orientation group they told me he was a reporter and he did a ton of research while he wrote this book. That just clearly showed me why it seemed to trail on and on. He put so much research into this book.
                 I believe he did a good job, but the book was a little too much for me. I enjoyed the first chapter, when he describes the Fugees, and begins telling of Luma’s style of coaching. I thought everything about it was pretty interesting. The great diversity of the group and the great amount of respect that they had for each other really blew me away. Although I didn’t like the fact that I had to read this during the summer, I really did think the book was very unique and affected the way I look at some things.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Challenges and Obstacles: 2 Weeks

It has been quite the transition coming from high school to college. This transition is both fun and challenging all at the same time. During the first two weeks of school there have been some challenges and obstacles I’ve had to face. One of the biggest challenges is, now I am on my own. This is the biggest difference between high school and college. Your parents aren’t there to wake you up in the morning, tell you to go to class. I was one of those high school students. I had my mom wake me up every morning and go to school. Now that I am in college it is up to me to wake up on my own, and drive over to school in the morning.

Some of the biggest challenges were getting my college books for class. The books for class are very expensive. I know most students have had their books cost around 500$. Luckily mine were fairly cheap around only 250$. Turns out you can now rent books at the SCSU bookstore and at various other places online. This is very helpful because it is about 10 times cheaper than buying them.

Some of the obstacles and challenges that I know have to face are important because they are some key points in me growing up, and are preparing me for when I have to live on my own. So far these challenges haven’t taught me too much. It has only been 2 weeks and I am counting on experiencing many more challenges as the year progresses.

Engaging In Reading

During each class of Inquiry, we view some articles online that can be interesting and informative. Some of this week’s articles include: Work Hard or Work Smart and Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet, which were for Tuesday’s class discussion. Then we also have: The Myth of Multitasking and Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime, which were read for class discussion on Thursday. There were a few more articles we had to read during the week, but I chose these four because they are the ones that really seemed to get my attention.

For starters, the Work Hard or Work Smart article was really informative to helping me start my year. The whole idea that Working Smart is trying to show you is to make the plan. By making the plan you look at what you can do, where your stance is on the current subject, and how you can go about doing all of your work. Then you work as hard as you can, which, yes you guessed right, is the Working Hard part of the article. Once you worked smart and made your game plan, you work hard and you are now “working the plan”. Now the next article, which was a video, Don’t Eat the Marshmallow Yet, kind of intrigued me, but I don’t totally agree with it. The video was about a study they performed on kids. This study stated that kids who ate the marshmallow were more likely to get in trouble when they grow up, and those that don’t are more patient. I don’t completely agree with the marshmallow video article. I believe there are much more accurate ways to determine patience and impatience at an early age than eating a marshmallow.

I do agree with the Myth of Multitasking though. This article was about how multitasking splits the time you are spending on each thing, causing everything to actually take longer than it really would. This is true because you aren’t putting all of your effort into one thing. Thus affecting how long it can really take you to complete your work. The final article, Digital Devices Deprive the Brain of Needed Downtime can go both ways for me. That meaning that I always use technology during my free time. Using it is what really makes me feel relaxed on the inside. If I was just alone lying down outside, or in my room with no technology on I would feel bored more so than relaxed.