Saturday, November 13, 2010


The class that I find extremely stimulating is my math class. It never ceases to get the blood really flowing through my mind. There is so much to learn when it comes to math, everything about it is unbelievable. From equations to logarithms to how to graph them to trigonometry, etc. There is math everywhere and it is upsetting that most people don’t seem to really like math. You use math more than any other subject in school, because you use math every day, even if it is simply adding a few dollars or calculating the time. Some people may argue that you use “English” more, and yes you do as a language, but in English class you are doing essays and such, and you don’t do that every day.

I am currently in math 122, precalculus. I am really happy with myself to say that I am in this “advanced” math class with many juniors and seniors who are about to graduate and I am starting in their math class. I am slightly upset with myself that I have yet to see myself earn a 100 in that class, but I guess I just have to work that much harder. As each quiz and test comes I am surprised at the material that shows up on it, because it is what we leaned, except the problems are so much more difficult than the normal class problems. Precalc is challenging, and so will calculus be when I take it next semester, so I am excited to learn even more math.

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