Saturday, November 6, 2010

Diving, The Ultimate Stress Relief

    This week, it had been way to long for me, so I did what I well needed and felt deserved. I went diving again. Diving as in, going on a diving board and into the water. This is one of the greatest stress relievers to me. When I get on that diving board, my heart starts to race, and I think about the dive that I am going to do. Then when I start my approach I begin to feel excitement in my head. Then finally when I get into the air, for the short amount of time I perform that dive, I feel completely free. Nothing can stop me when I am in the air, nothing can hurt me, I just land gracefully back into a pit of water.
    Back in high school I used to dive on the swim team. I didn’t get to dive too often, usually only during swim meets, and I didn’t get that much time to practice. I was very restricted back in high school, I couldn’t do diving to even close to my full potential, but not if I have free time I want to get back to it. A lot of people are rather scared of diving boards. I feel like everyone is at some point. The first jump always is the scariest, because they can be unpredictable, bouncing at the wrong time, or being slippery, but everyone should try it. It’s such an exhilarating experience; you might relieve some stress just by standing at the edge and jumping in.

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