Saturday, December 4, 2010

Another Goal in the Net for Me

There are a lot of things I am looking forward to next semester, and while some are going to be easy, some are also going to be hard because I know some classes coming my way are going to be more difficult. Next semester, socially, I am of course looking to meet many new people. I have no idea whats going to be in store for me, and having a lot more friends might make the journey a more simple one. Plus, I am going to need someone to hang out with while I am on break between classes, or even study with if I have tests coming up.

Personally, I still see myself living at home next semester. Living at home is saving me a lot of money that I will not have to pay back when I complete college, as southern actually pays me to attend their school. Living at home also keeps the benefits that I can stay closer to my family until I am finally ready to move out. I feel like I am not fully mature enough to live on my own yet and there are still a few small things I need to learn.

My academic goals are pretty clear. Already I must keep a C+ or higher in every single one of my class or I can no longer attend southern, but I am aiming for a goal much higher than that, I want to go for B+ or better in all my classes so I can ensure a good GPA, and maybe ill even join some clubs at southern.

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